
  • Student application process
  • Japanese & Hindi languages Classes
  • Translation: Nepali to Japanese , English to Japanese
  • Cultural exchange program
  • Nepali Language classes for foreigners


Planning to land an internship should start now. The earlier in your education you research, the better chances you have of becoming a successful intern and possibly, future employee. 

The first thing you should know about internships is that the experience is like having a job. We use the word "jobs" because the definition of internships has changed considerably in the last five years. Similar to one's choice of job criteria, it will be your choice to request the following internship characteristics: compensation, selectivity, housing, transportation, amount of busy work, geographic region of choice, summer or academic year employment, free meals, part-time employment, good prospects for permanent employment, minority programs, etc.. 

It is true -- you really do have choices, if you plan in advance. That is to find out what is available to you one or two years before you seek the position. You see, unless your uncle owns the company you'd like to work for, you need to do some homework. 

  1. Institute of Language and Culture Studies ( teach linguistic subject such as Nepali,English,Hindi,Japanese)
  2. Provide job training and internship for students and send Job trainee and internship to Japan, Nepal, and India.
  3. Provide consultant service to development project and individual.